Monday 31 May 2021

SpaceX is preparing to send insects and tardigrades into space.

 What? Really?

SpaceX rocket Falcon 9 will take 5000

water bears and 128 baby squids to the ISS(International Space Station). This mission will launch on June 3 and glowing baby squids will be the primary attraction for space science lovers. Tardigrades, the water bears who are known for their ability to survive the exceptional or extreme environments, will be the primary research life form in this mission.

Other then these tiny life forms, the rocket will also carry crew supplies and technical tools and repair materials.

As I told you, that this mission will be for studying how space affects these little creatures and helps scientists in understanding the major impact of space travel in human beings.

Microscopic Image of Tardigrades

Tardigrades are those creatures who are even adapt in places where most of the life cannot survive. They are most mysterious living creature and attract all scientists for more experiments and discoveries. They can survive radiation, starvation and air deprivation in the depth of ocean to mountains .Their abilities was first discovered in September 2007, when they were sent to space and they were survived the space vacuum .

"One of the things we are really keen to do is understand how tardigrades are surviving and reproducing in these environments, and whether we can learn anything about the tricks that they are using and adapt them to safeguard astronauts," said by in a News release by NASA principal investigator Thomas Boothby.

Another creature that will be on space craft is glowing baby squids, these squids have June systems similar to us. The relationship study of these creatures is the goal, and how humans will be affected in near future space missions is the mission to understand.

Friday 28 May 2021

ISRO launched Mars Orbiter in just $73 million and Avengers Endgame cost of making was $350 million.

 What? In just $73 million!

The Mars Orbiter Mission, also called Mangalyan is a orbiter, orbiting mars since 24 September 2014. It is India’s first interplanetary mission and made India fourth country to achieve Mars orbit after Roscosmos, NASA, and ESA. And now India is a first country to achieve Mars orbit in its first attempt. And also the first least-expensive Mars mission to date. The total cost was ₹450 crore – ($73 million). Avengers Endgame cost of making is $350 million. Now you can compare how cheap the Mars mission was.

An illustration of the Mars Orbiter is printed on the back side of the ₹2000 banknote of India. I will not tell you how the mission was launched and other scientific terms and talks, but don’t you want to know what the purpose of the spacecraft was and what has been discovered by it?

So the main objective of the mission is to evolve the technologies required for operations of an Interplanetary Mission. And to explore the Martian surface, Mineralogy, Morphology using capable scientific instruments. On 24 September 2020, Spacecraft completed 6 years in orbit around Mars. Comment below – Is India is capable to land a rover on Mars?

India On Mars Mission

The methane sensor for Mars is designed to measure Methane in the martian atmosphere. Though Mars spacecraft could not detect any methane. It provided excellent data of mars surface and this is the first time a Near Global albedo map of mars has been prepared using wavelength of EM spectra.

In 2019 a Bollywood Hindi film Mission Mangal is based on India’s Mission to mars and you can watch this to know everything about this huge challenging mission.


Tuesday 25 May 2021

Elon Musk was twice divorced and married third and was also in affair 1 time. Know everything about Elon Musk.


Yes, Elon Musk married his first wife Justine Wilson in 2000 and divorced in 2008. Their first child son died at the age of 10 weeks. And then they share the custody of remaining five sons. In 2008, Musk begins his dating with English actress Talulah Riley and in 2010, Musk married with her. And in 2016, Musk declares divorce with Riley and start dating Amber Heard, his girlfriend and in 2018, Musk revealed that Musk and Grimes were Dating.

Grimes gave birth to their son in May 2020. And his name was “X AE A-12” and then after violating the rules of California, that the characters are not in the modern English Alphabet, then they changed this name to “X AE A-Xii”.

But what about his early childhood?

Elon Reeve Musk was born in 1917, South Africa. After divorce of his parents in 1980, Musk had to live with his father, who he has described as ”a terrible human being… Almost every evil thing you possibly think of, he has done”. When Musk aged 10, he learned Computer Programming and by age 12, he sold out his Video Game called Blastar to magazine for approx. $500. Musk was bullied throughout his childhood and once he was hospitalized after a group of boys threw him down through stairs. Musk completed his PhD in energy physics in the year 1955 from Stanford University, California.

In 1995, Musk, Kimbal, and Greg kouri founded Zip2, a web software company at a small rented office. Company marketed an Internet city guide for the newspaper industry with maps and directions. Musk says that he could not afford an apartment and instead slept on the couch of office, they could only afford only one computer and according to musk “The website was up during the day and I was coding it at night, seven days a week, all the time”. Compaq acquired Zip2 for $307 million and musk received 7 percent for his share that is- $22 million.

 In 1999, Musk co-founded with a company and after success of, Company’s investors saw musk as inexperienced and had him replaced with Bill Harris. That year, merged with Confinity, and Confinity had its own money-transfer service, PayPal. Within the merged company, Musk returned as CEO. In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion, of which musk – the largest shareholder with 11.7% received over $100 million.

In 2002, Musk decided to start a company that could build affordable rockets and founded Space Exploration Technologies Corp., SpaceX.

SpaceX’s three failed launches disheartened Musk and then SpaceX succeeded in launching the Falcon 1 in 2008 and it was the first private rocket to reach Earth orbit.

In 2015, SpaceX successfully landed Falcon 9. In 2018, they launched the Falcon Heavy, carried a dummy payload (Tesla Roadster). And they planned a mission 2023, dearMoon project. In 2020, SpaceX launched its first manned flight and becoming the first private company to place a person into orbit and dock a crewed with the ISS.

In 2008, Tesla built an electric sports car, the Roadster with sales of 2500 vehicles. It was the first electric car to use lithium-ion battery. The Cybertruck an electric truck launched in 2019.

And many more companies are came into existence with the help of Elon Musk like- SolarCity and Tesla Energy, Neuralink, The Boring Company, and projects like- Hyperloop and OpenAI.

Musk was first listed on Forbes Billionaires with a net worth of $2 billion and at the start of 2020, the rise of net worth upto $27 billion. In November 2020, Musk beats Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and became the third richest person in the world. In 2021 January, Musk with a net worth of $185 billion become the richest person in the world and yes, he owns a private Jet.

Saturday 22 May 2021

Obama breaks his silence on ALIENS and UFO's


Former US President Barack Obama breaks his silence on Extraterrestrial Events or Aliens UFO presence. In an interview, he discloses some major unbelievable facts on Alien presence and UFO sightings. In an interview on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Barack Obama said something amazing.

In an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden on CBS earlier this week, Obama said “The truth is that when I came into office, I asked, right, I was like, ‘Alright, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceship? ”And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was no.”

And not only this, Obama said : “What is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is”

From my point of view, Aliens sightings are 100% real but Government agencies and Army forces of America are trying to hide something big and unknown secret from public. They never want to disclose the events happening in Area 51, I think they are doing researches on Alien spaceships or who knows, On Alien bodies.


Friday 21 May 2021

Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster CAR floating in Space

What? A car in Space! That's not possible.

Yes! Elon Musk have launched a car in space. Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster, an electric car with a “Starman” driving inside it, a mannequin dressed in a spacesuit. It is the first car launched into space and first to orbit the sun. Elon Musk’s both companies Tesla and SpaceX headed by him and achieves a position in space exploration and innovation. By Tesla car in space, Musk explained that he wanted to inspire public and peoples about the “possibility of something new happening in space”.

Original Camera view 

The rocket, Falcon Heavy and car was mounted on the rocket in an inclined position. The human mannequin positioned in the driver’s seat in a SpaceX pressure spacesuit. The mannequin’s right hand is on the steering wheel and left one resting on the open window. And on the left of steering wheel a screen in which “DON’T PANIC’ written.

Such an amazing mission! Ha! The rocket lifted off from Kennedy Space Centre on February 6, 2018. The launch was live streamed and showed the Roadster at various angles, and Earth in the background. The Roadster is in a heliocentric orbit that crosses the orbit of Mars and reaches the several distance from the sun. This mission demonstrated that Falcon heavy is capable of launching payloads to mars for its future mission.

The launch mission of Tesla Roadster is interpreted as marketing for Tesla. Alice Gorman, a lecturer in space studies in Australia, said that the Roadster’s primary goal is that the red sports car symbolises power, wealth, and speed (as a work of art). What’s your point of view? Is this mission is a marketing stunt or a work of art? Comment Below.

Some Probabilities says that over 3 million years later, Roadster will collide with earth at approx. 6% of chance. But whatever, this mission is quite inspiring and great and I love the new age innovation and missions.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong - Buzz Aldrin saw alien on moon?

 Apollo 11

Apollo 11 was the first human mission that landed human beings on the surface of Moon. Neil Armstrong became the first human to step onto the surface of Moon. Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot) and Neil Armstrong, both spent about two and a quarter hours together outside the spacecraft, and collected 47 pounds of Moon surface material to bring back to Earth. And Command module pilot Michael Collins who flew the Command Module alone in orbit of moon while they were on the Lunar Surface.

In 2014 a discussion hosted by Aldrin “Ask Me Anything” is on trend when a person questioned Aldrin “Do you believe in aliens and what are the sightings you saw aboard Apollo 11?” with a description of “a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us”

Buzz Aldrin wrote “There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft”.

What you think? Is that light out of window is really alien spaceship or a lunar satellite? Comment Below! I personally think that whether it would true or not but moon landing did affect the public point of view of extraterrestrial life or Aliens. Apollo missions showed that we could travel from one planet to another on a rocket and aliens could too.

Follow Us for more unanswered Questions about space and technology and latest inventions and missions .

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Elon Musk plans to colonize mars and sends a million people by 2050.

 But How?

A program initiated by SpaceX and Elon Musk is all about colonizing the mars. SpaceX’s goal has been to land the humans on martian surface by 2024 or 2026.This program includes reusable rockets, orbit propellant tankers( to achieve a high payload, the spacecraft would first enter Earth’s orbit, where propellant tankers is expected to refueled the spacecraft before it departs to mars), and a local production of rocket fuel on mars.

The main role in this program is of SpaceX Starship super heavy lift launch rocket, which can lifts a expected payload between 100-150 tonnes.  That is, this space vehicle can lifts off 25-30 elephants in space.

Musk plans to build up a human crewed base on mars, which will grow into self-sufficient colony. He plans to launch many starship rockets to transport a propellant plant and start to build a base. The plant would produce Methane and Liquid Oxygen from surface of water ice and atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.

Musk has also said that he will send a million people to Mars by 2050. Musk has said that human beings need to establish a permanent living presence on Mars to ensure ”the continuance of consciousness as we know it”, just in case our planet is lest uninhabitable by may be like a nuclear war or an asteroid attack. Is Musk is correct? Comment Below how.

Musk was realized that it was very expensive to push anything out of earth’s orbit, NASA used to pay 94,000 dollars per kilogram on any mission. So one of SpaceX’s priorities was reducing the cost of launches by a self-landing rockets because the ordinary rocket’s boosters discarded and fell back from space into the oceans, which tends huge money wastage and increase the cost. SpaceX finally succeeded in self landing rockets in 2016.

Yes he made it and he’ll lands his crews in martian surface one day. And by 2050, who knows our future generations will gave birth new age childrens at mars. That’s why we compares                 Elon Musk with Tony Stark( Iron Man).

Monday 17 May 2021

NASA had launched a Golden Disc to Extraterrestrial living organisms in space

 Golden Disc In Voyager 1

NASA had launched VOYAGER 1 in 1977, and left the Solar System in November 2004. The Voyager is carrying a Golden Disc a gold plated copper disk 12 inch contains many information about Earth and diversity of life and culture on Earth.

The Voyager Golden Record contains sounds and images selected to display the Diversity of Life and Culture on Earth. These records are like a Time Capsule for any intelligent extraterrestrial life who may find them.

The contents of the records includes songs of birds and whales. Spoken greetings in 55ancient and modern languages. Variety of natural sounds such as those made by surf, wind, thunder, and animals. And more like other human sounds, footsteps, and laughter. The record also includes a message from US president.

The collection of photographs includes images and diagrams both in black and white, and colour. The first scientific images showing mathematical and physical quantities of the solar system and its planets, human anatomy and reproduction, and DNA. Pictures of humanity and also some of animals, insects, plants and landscapes. Some images shows food, architecture, and humans day to day lives.

The Golden Record also have an hour long recording of the brainwaves. The 115 images are encoded in form and composed of 512 lines.

The record is constructed of gold plated copper and its cover is aluminium and electroplated with uranium-238. Uranium has a half life of 4 billion years. The records also had the inscription “ To the makers of music – all worlds, all times”.

In a left hand corner of this record, there is a drawing of phonograph record. The drawing indicates that the record should be played from the outside in. The information of the cover is designed to show how pictures are to be constructed from signals. The pictures are made from these signals which traces the picture as a series of vertical lines, similar to analog television. Colour Images were representd by three images in sequence, one each for red, green and blue components of the image.

Black Holes are the new way to travel across time? Even past.

Black holes could be the key to time travel and "billions of years just pass in minutes" , billions of years would pass in "...