Monday 31 May 2021

SpaceX is preparing to send insects and tardigrades into space.

 What? Really?

SpaceX rocket Falcon 9 will take 5000

water bears and 128 baby squids to the ISS(International Space Station). This mission will launch on June 3 and glowing baby squids will be the primary attraction for space science lovers. Tardigrades, the water bears who are known for their ability to survive the exceptional or extreme environments, will be the primary research life form in this mission.

Other then these tiny life forms, the rocket will also carry crew supplies and technical tools and repair materials.

As I told you, that this mission will be for studying how space affects these little creatures and helps scientists in understanding the major impact of space travel in human beings.

Microscopic Image of Tardigrades

Tardigrades are those creatures who are even adapt in places where most of the life cannot survive. They are most mysterious living creature and attract all scientists for more experiments and discoveries. They can survive radiation, starvation and air deprivation in the depth of ocean to mountains .Their abilities was first discovered in September 2007, when they were sent to space and they were survived the space vacuum .

"One of the things we are really keen to do is understand how tardigrades are surviving and reproducing in these environments, and whether we can learn anything about the tricks that they are using and adapt them to safeguard astronauts," said by in a News release by NASA principal investigator Thomas Boothby.

Another creature that will be on space craft is glowing baby squids, these squids have June systems similar to us. The relationship study of these creatures is the goal, and how humans will be affected in near future space missions is the mission to understand.

1 comment:

  1. well, I guess we can all thank our lucky stars that the Muskinator is not a nuclear power unto himself


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