Monday 11 October 2021

Black Holes are the new way to travel across time? Even past.

Black holes could be the key to time travel and "billions of years just pass in minutes", billions of years would pass in "several minutes" if you fell into a black hole, one researcher said surprisingly, given the phenomenon's ability to stretch out time. Time dilation is the difference in time measured on two watches. Imagine one of these clocks being placed on a spacecraft traveling at the speed of light or near the speed of light,  and the other remaining on Earth.

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Atharva Palshetkar of CTES College, Mumbai, India, said on the Q+SA site “Because it is so close to the black hole, time affects the spacecraft and gets slower as it gets closer to the black hole...

 Now, if someone saw you fall into a black hole, they would see you going slower and slower, it could take weeks, years, and even decades until you reach a point where light cannot escape the black hole's event horizon.

 “Viewers then see a spacecraft stuck on the event horizon until it moves towards red and gradually disappears.

 “Meanwhile, when you enter a black hole, everything you see outside will start to come out quickly.

 “Your family, your children, your grandchildren, hundreds of generations will grow and fall in minutes and hours.

But what about Wormholes?

Wormholes are still just a theory today,” van Breukelen said. “But, in principle, an artificial black hole could be created, for example using a particle accelerator, even if it had to be a billion kilometers long, the same distance the Earth travels around the sun in a year.

Saturday 3 July 2021

A brain implantable device which is capable to control your brain and computers from your thoughts

Neuralink corporation, a company launched in 2016 is a neurotechnology company developing implantable brain machines founded by Elon Musk and 8 partners. Yes, Implantable Brain Machines which is capable of controlling computers directly from your brain and will capable to the brain to brain communication, Telepathic conversations, and many more.

 The brain machine is basically a chip that consists of circuits to convert information from neurons into a set of binary codes to achieve an understanding of brain functions.

In July 2020, Neuralink obtained an FDA breakthrough device designation that allows human testing under the FDA guidelines. At the live demonstration, Elon described their early devices as “a Fitbit in your skull” which could soon be able to cure paralysis, deafness, blindness, and other disabilities.

Neuralink released a video and it claims shows a monkey playing the video game Pong with its mind. The monkey named Pager was taught to play the video game and a neuralink chip was placed into the monkey’s mind. During this process, that chip recorded the information about which neurons were sending signals to control which movements.


Thursday 17 June 2021

NASA has announced two missions to Venus to examine the planet’s atmosphere and geological features.

 NASA has announced two missions to Venus to examine the planet’s atmosphere and geological features. The last US spacecraft to visit the planet was the Magellan orbiter in 1990. Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said the missions would offer the “chance to investigate a planet we haven’t been to in more than 30 years”.

These two sister missions both aim to understand how Venus became an inferno-like world, capable of melting lead at the surface,” Bill Nelson said on Wednesday.

The first mission the Davinci+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Nobel gases, Chemistry, and Imaging) will be going to measure venus’s atmosphere to gain information about how it formed and evolved. And also going to research whether Venus had an ocean. 

The second mission Veritas (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy) will map the planet’s surface and its geological history and investigate how it developed so differently than earth.

It is astounding how little we know about Venus, but the combined results of these missions will tell us about the planet from the clouds in the sky through the volcanoes on its surface all the way down to its very core,” said Tom Wagner.

Monday 14 June 2021

Alyssa Carson will going to be the first human being on mars.


Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars. Alyssa Carson, aged just 20 going to become the first human being ever land on the surface of Mars.

“I first got interested in space when I was really young. Obviously, I don’t remember everything when I was that young, but my dad does remember me coming and having some questions about space and about Mars,” Alyssa told.

Mars has been Alyssa’s dream and she’s the only person who attended every NASA Space camp. NASA aims and plans to land the first human on Mars in the 2030s.

The perseverance rover will be expected to search for signs of life and measure Mar’s weather and water conditions.

The whole the reason why we went to the moon was because there was so much public interest around it,” Carson said. “I definitely think that Mars kind of needs that same push. So it’s kind of either teaching or inspiring or helping people to either want to get involved in the space program in some way or just want to support it.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Possibilities and reality of Time Travel. Is Time Travel possible?

 Time Travel, I am sure that most of human beings and even you would not believe in this concept and thinks that this is only a myth and Sci-fi misconceptions. But believe me, this is possible. I'm sure you have watched many time travel movies and in every or most of them have a time machine. Even in Avengers Endgame, there was a Machine made by Stark.

But it would be real in future?

According to Physics, no I'm not going to explain any hard theories or scientific stuff. Science says that time travel will only going to possible for future travelling. Because time travel to past leads problems that is Paradoxes. And one of the paradox is "Grandfather Paradox".

If one were to go back in time by using time machine and kills own grandfather before the birth of his father, then how that person will exists. What's your opinion. Comment below.

But there is a different choice, Wormholes. Wormholes connect two points in spacetime, that is it is possible to travel in time through it and also space travel is possible through it. But it would collapse too quickly for anything to travel from it.

And one option is to build a spacecraft with speed of light and travel through it for 5 years and when you go back to earth roughly 36 years have already passed.

But no option is presently possible for scientists to do time travel but in near future, who knows!

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Jeff Bezos Is going to Space 15 days after resigning from Amazon

 Jeff Bezos will be flying to the space on July 20th on the first crewed flight, the rocket ship made by his space company. "Ever since I was five years old, I've dreamed of travelling to space, On July 20th, I will take that journey with my brother. The greatest adventure, with my best friend,"

So, Jeff Bezos will going to be the first world's billionaire space tycoon to experience space ride.

Jeff Bezos' company Blue Origin's New Shepard will be the rocket ship. After six years of extensive testing of the rocket, Blue Origin announced in May that it was ready to put the first passengers into it.

And one seat will be auctioned and the last hit of bid after blue origins' announcement was $3.2 million.

The flight is scheduled for July 20th, just after the 15 days of his resignation as CEO of Amazon.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Elon Musk planning and seems serious about Nuking Mars

 Yes, the billionaire Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX seems serious about nuking Mars. During an Interview Musk explaining that vaporizing mars’ ice poles would be a good way to warm the planet for humans for living. Musk floated the concept again via twitter by saying “Nuke Mars!”.

But what does he mean from nuking mars?

Nuke Mars refers to a continuous stream of very low fallout nuclear fusion explosions above the atmosphere to create artificial suns. Much like our sun, this would not cause Mars to become radioactive,” twitted by an entrepreneur.

 But how can we warm up mars?

Scientists says that placing Mylar Disks with a diameter of 155 miles and a weight of 200,000 tons would be the right option to reflect sunlight onto Martian surface or poles to heat the surface. But Elon Musk plans to Bomb Mars for heating up the poles. Russia’s space chief says – Tech billionaire Elon Musk’s plan to Bomb Mars to make it suitable for human life is a front to deploy nuclear weapons in space.

But what happens if Elon bomb out Mars?

The explosion will be huge and would cause debris and martian dust to get kicked up into the atmosphere. And the high speed wind will keep it there for years and blocking out the sun. And how long would it take to terraform Mars with nukes? It would probably require us setting off 3000 nukes over mars a day for 7 weeks i.e. 147,000 bombing on the surface of mars. And who knows what will be the adverse effects after this on earth.

Black Holes are the new way to travel across time? Even past.

Black holes could be the key to time travel and "billions of years just pass in minutes" , billions of years would pass in "...