Thursday 10 June 2021

Possibilities and reality of Time Travel. Is Time Travel possible?

 Time Travel, I am sure that most of human beings and even you would not believe in this concept and thinks that this is only a myth and Sci-fi misconceptions. But believe me, this is possible. I'm sure you have watched many time travel movies and in every or most of them have a time machine. Even in Avengers Endgame, there was a Machine made by Stark.

But it would be real in future?

According to Physics, no I'm not going to explain any hard theories or scientific stuff. Science says that time travel will only going to possible for future travelling. Because time travel to past leads problems that is Paradoxes. And one of the paradox is "Grandfather Paradox".

If one were to go back in time by using time machine and kills own grandfather before the birth of his father, then how that person will exists. What's your opinion. Comment below.

But there is a different choice, Wormholes. Wormholes connect two points in spacetime, that is it is possible to travel in time through it and also space travel is possible through it. But it would collapse too quickly for anything to travel from it.

And one option is to build a spacecraft with speed of light and travel through it for 5 years and when you go back to earth roughly 36 years have already passed.

But no option is presently possible for scientists to do time travel but in near future, who knows!

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Black Holes are the new way to travel across time? Even past.

Black holes could be the key to time travel and "billions of years just pass in minutes" , billions of years would pass in "...